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We have now made some of our books available for FREE download in pdf format. See the Publishing page for details.

We hope you enjoy our books, as we enjoyed putting them together, and that you find them useful.

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Why Spontaneous Life?  Because with each new moment I can begin again.  That is my free superpower choice.  
Spontaneity is about flexibility, about being alert to, and responding to, what is going on around you and what you are feeling inside.


Spontaneity is about living in the moment, about allowing yourself to see things afresh, as they are now.  It means letting go of the past without guilt or regret and embracing the future without conditions.  It means listening to what your heart wants, letting it override what is planned or expected of you. 


A Spontaneous Life is a happy life.
Be happy.
And remember:-
The Joy of not keeping to the plan lies in the knowledge that

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