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Spontaneous Life Publishing 

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All our books are available for purchase on Amazon, and some are now available as a FREE download in pdf format.​
We just want you to read our books and hope that you get something from them.



into the Blue by Susan Coates


In the twelve weeks from the end of June to mid September 2021, Susan Coates had a two-way conversation with God.  Each day, when she felt the time was right, she sat in front of her computer, at her home in England, and emptied her mind. She asked a question, and then typed the answers that seemed to come through.  They made sense.  Not only that but their sense was not hers - they gave answers she could not have thought up and told her things she did not know.  Progress was halting at first but as she relaxed and overcame her resistances the answers became longer, more complex and more ‘educational’.

Always helpful, the subjects covered are wide-ranging from her own personal hang-ups through to Time and Gravity and the way the Universe works.  However, at the root of them all is the desire to help us tackle this period of change we are going through in the world, in a constructive and creative way, and to urge us to get together, and act together, in like-minded groups for maximum effect.  The channelled words are beautiful, clear, comforting and positive whilst at the same time conveying a sense of urgency that we need to act now if we are to turn our planetary ship around before it is too late.


'into the Blue' is available for purchase for £10 on Amazon via the following link:



into the Blue
The Boy in the Turret and The Man in the Library 
by Susan Coates


This book follows on from ‘into the Blue’ and continues the evolution and development of the channelling journey being undertaken by the author.  

The subject matter is somewhat different, a mite more complex, and narratively and psychologically interwoven.  However, it expands the theme of human education with the intention of helping us at this difficult time to negotiate the present challenges through harnessing the use of the NOW  in which ‘all answers lie’.  

Ultimately it is uplifting and hopeful for our future with ground breaking ideas about how we can use Time in a practical way to help solve our problems.  


'The Boy in the Turret and the Man in the Library' is available for purchase for £10 on Amazon via the following link:



The Boy in the Turret
My Lord's Prayer by Jean Webb


Most of us resort to prayer at some time in our lives. Most of us have also struggled with prayer – why hasn’t my prayer been answered, am I not doing it right?

Putting to one side commonly held views of prayer, this book looks for greater insight from the passages in Matthew and Luke where Jesus tells us how to pray.

A study of each word reveals a surprising depth of beauty and wisdom contained within the Greek words, leading to a new interpretation: “My Lord’s Prayer”.

Jean Webb applies her knowledge of Ancient Greek, and her understanding of human nature, as a therapist, to re-examine and re-interpret the words used in the Greek New Testament


'My Lord's Prayer' is available for purchase on Amazon via the following link:



My Lord's Prayer
My Beatitudes by Jean Webb


What if there were to be a formula for happiness that we could apply to our lives, to lift us each time we feel down?


What if everything we ever needed was right in front of us in this well-known passage in the bible?


A study of the words in Greek brings up some surprising insight, and a new interpretation: My Beatitudes.


'My Beatitudes' is available for purchase on Amazon via the following link:



My Beatitudes
Thought Pods by Susan Coates

“This is a book for another age, a New Age of thought that is being born at the present time.  

It is a way of thinking that is developing, and will develop continually over time, but its direction and change of direction and depth at this moment is extremely important and needs much nurturing without rest.  

Just as the birth of a baby is an extremely important moment and as the manner in which that birth is overseen by all present to the situation is important, because the whole of the coming life of the new born will be affected by the quality of ‘the delivery’ for good or ill.  Sloppiness or carelessness at such a delicate time can result in wasted potential and unnecessary damage to the future life of the new born. 

So look to this time, all of you, as you usher yourselves into the New Age, as a time of utter delicacy, a time of vital importance, that requires your constant undivided attention and dedication to the quality of your thoughts, speech and actions so that the change from the old ways to the New shall be one of celebration and joy carrying on into the future. 

Let Love Prevail.”


'Thought Pods' is available for purchase on Amazon via the following link: 





Thought Pods
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